An amazing run

ARTER is the son of Harry Carter, the archivist at the University Press, Oxford and an esteemed type historian. He got off to a fast start as a type designer by learning how to cut metal type punches at Enschedé foundry in Holland. Then, despite his dad’s example, he ducked going to college and, by the age of 27, was a staff designer at Mergenthaler Linotype headquarters in Brooklyn. The rest is history.

The storyRightArrowThe fontsRightArrow
Matthew Carter Collection
August 7, 2023 · Brochure

Matthew has a thorough grounding in the 500-year history of movable type; at the same time, he has dived deep into each successive wave of technological development, mastering and sometimes demonstrating the ways of designing type for each new environment.

Matthew Carter Fonts
August 7, 2023 · Brochure

For the first time, almost all of Matthew Carter’s typefaces that exist in digital form are brought together in one place. There are fonts from TN foundry partner Carter & Cone and others from Morisawa and Hamilton Wood Type.