
Founded in 1999 by Akiem Helmling, Sami Kortemäki and Bas Jacobs, Underware is based in the Hague, Helsinki, and Amsterdam. There is an inherent honesty to their enthusiasm that betrays no snobbery—they simply think that type is very interesting and that everyone, given the chance, might think so too. Their work is among the most popular of independent type foundries—happy-go-lucky, high-quality, text-friendly typefaces for both display and comprehensive typesetting. Underware finds equal pleasure in crafting custom fonts, lettering, and logotypes for brands like Stockmann, Daimler, KONE and DuncanChannon—and in developing purposeful retail fonts like Zeitung, Bello, Dolly and Liza.


Typeface development
Font modification
Language expansion
Variable Fonts
Custom licensing and consulting
The Hague, Helsinki, Amsterdam