Nitti Grotesk forms part of Bold Monday’s extended Nitti suite, inspired by the earliest known sans serifs—the idiosyncratic English grots of the nineteenth century. It is the proportional sibling of Nitti, which gained prominence as the voice of Information Architects’ popular writing app, iA Writer. On the heels of the app’s success, iA asked about a proportional version of Nitti and, after multiple attempts, Pieter van Rosmalen finally landed on the right tack: he exaggerated Nitti Grotesk’s more grotesque qualities precisely where the monospaced Nitti deviated from them. Nitti Grotesk comes in seven text weights with matching italics and five display weights. Combine it with Nitti for a wide range of professional applications, as well as for websites, publications, branding, and corporate communications. Bold Monday, 2012–2019.