
Riding the conference circuit in typographic style

Conference season is still going strong around the world. Over the next month, you’ll find Type Network waxing enthusiastic about type in North and Central America, Europe, and Southeast Asia.
We love conferences. They give us the opportunity to connect with customers, exchange ideas, and get feedback on our products and services. Participating in these events also allows us to give back to the community by teaching workshops, taking the stage, and, of course, sponsoring coffee, cocktails, and other treats. We’re looking forward to chatting with tons of designers and developers in the coming weeks. First on the agenda: the AIGA Design Conference taking place in Minneapolis from October 12 to 14. At our booth in the Design Fair, we’ll be talking type, passing out swag, and showing off some surprises we’ve been working on. And check out that handsome eco-friendly tote we’re sponsoring!
AIGA Design Conference 2017 tote bag with Type Network logo
A glimpse behind the scenes: Type Network is proud to sponsor the tote bags for the AIGA Design Conference in Minneapolis, produced by the good folks at Enviro-Tote.
On the other side of the pond, you may run into two of our foundry partners—Type-Ø-Tones’ Laura Meseguer and CSTM Fonts’ Ilya Ruderman—during the coffee break we’re sponsoring at the Smashing Conference in Barcelona on October 17 and 18. Be sure to dig into the goodie bag to find a little surprise from us. From October 18 to 20, Adobe MAX will attract upwards of 12,000 attendees to Las Vegas. We’ll be in the Community Pavillion, where we’re part of the Type Village adjacent to Typekit’s Type City. Experience live lettering, make your own typographic art with a sticker printer, and grab a souvenir. Type Network’s Yves Peters will reveal the secret language of movie posters on Thursday afternoon and Friday morning.
Zeitung newspaper specimen by Underware
Underware has produced a limited-edition reprint of their gorgeous, info-packed Zeitung newspaper specimen for Type Network. Pick up a copy at our booths at Adobe MAX and An Event Apart San Francisco while supplies last, or check the goodie bag if you’re attending 8º Encontro de Tipografia in Faro, Portugal.
Fresh from his excellent talk on user interfaces in type design and opportunities in variable fonts at ATypI Montréal, Santiago Orozco is organizing his own conference, which will focus on variable-font technology this year. From October 18 to 20, TMX—Tipografía México will welcome David Berlow (Font Bureau cofounder, Type Network partner, and variable evangelist) and Alexandre Saumiers Demers, who will talk about variable typography and variable fonts, respectively. Saumiers Demers will also conduct a Python workshop, and Orozco will teach attendees how to design and implement variable fonts. BiTS, the first and (so far) only typographic and type design conference in Southeast Asia, was organized by Typographic Association Bangkok (TAB) and Cadson Demak and will take place in Bangkok from October 27 to 29. Foundry partner Occupant FontsCyrus Highsmith will be extra generous with his time and knowledge: not only is he offering a workshop about shapes and countershapes in typeface design, but he’s also giving a talk about the relationship between his activities as a type designer, graphic artist, teacher, and author.
Display of Type Network mugs
Our popular Type Network “TYPE” mugs on display at the Smashing Conference New York 2017.

You can find our sought-after Type Network mugs in the goodie bags at An Event Apart in San Francisco from October 30 to November 1. And attendees of the 8º Encontro de Tipografia on November 3 and 4 in Faro, Portugal, will receive a nifty gift from Type Network and foundry partner Underware. Finally, Type Network’s Yves Peters will speak about human interaction with type and the Adobe Typography Customer Advisory Board at the Beyond Tellerrand web design conference, to be held in Berlin from November 6 to 8. We’ll be at all of these events in spirit or in the flesh. If you happen to spot us running around, grab us and say hi. Let’s talk type!