/ Alejandro Lo Celso
Type Designer
Alejandro Lo Celso

Loche (Alejandro’s nickname) is an info and type designer, author, and teacher born in Córdoba, Argentina (1970). He acted as an art director at magazines and newspapers in Buenos Aires before he graduated with distinction from the MA in type design, University of Reading (UK), and later from the ANRT, Atelier National de Recherche Typographique in Nancy, France. He has given lectures and workshops extensively on type, lettering, and letterform history in Europe, Latin America and other parts of the world.
In 2001 he founded PampaType, the first font foundry from Argentina, whose work has been widely recognized for its originality. Loche’s work has been prized by Morisawa, ATypI, TDC, Hii awards, Typographica, Tipos Latinos, Bienal Iberoamericana de Diseño, Communication Arts, Creative Review. He currently teaches in the masters of Typography at the University of Buenos Aires.

Perec Scripte 1
Starting at $60
BuyPerec Scripte 2
Starting at $60
BuyPerec Scripte Deco
Starting at $80